
05-28-2007 - Glacier National Park

Rainy today for most of the day, but it let up in the afternoon and was just cloudy. Unfortunately, cloudy means the mountains are mostly obscured. We are here a bit early in the year and the main road through the park, "Going to the Sun" road is partially closed because they are still clearing snow. So we are able to see about 16 miles on the west side of the park and 13 miles on the east, plus a couple other spurs. Not ideal, but this just happens to be when we are here. Still spectacular! I think Glacier is in my opinion the most amazing park I have seen to date. It's very rain-forest-y on the west side, and more of an alpine feel on the east side - both awesome.

I'm very glad I have head-to-toe rain gear!

A bit of wildlife along the way:

A nice waterfall carving out the rock on Trail of the Cedars:

We did an amazing hike out to Avalanche Lake, which is a must:

And we learned, somewhat disconcertingly, that many deer in Glacier have lost all fear of humans, and not only won't yield when you come up on the trail, but will see you from across a field and just keep walking towards you:

We have a good idea why the road through the park is called "Going To The Sun":

A nice view from the Many Glacier spur entrance:

And another - I can't believe how still the lakes are up here:

Did I mention I LOVE Glacier?!!!! No doubt I will be coming back here!!!

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