
05-20-2007 - Finally On The Road.

Finally hit the road today - was supposed to camp in Kimball, Nebraska (after driving thru, glad I didn't), but left later than expected and decided to continue on to Cheyenne, Wyoming (by the time I got to Kimball it was already dark, and there were VERY strong winds). Overall a nice day to drive, but about 90 miles from the Wyoming border hit a really weird storm - on the left of the road was a huge dark purple storm with tons of lightning, on the right and in front was relatively clear, and in between was a big dust storm coming up off the fields due to all the wind. I'd say the tumbleweeds were well beyond tumbling - got so bad at one point I passed a semi which had gone of the side of the road and flipped on its side (the only emergency vehicle on scene was a lone ambulance, so it couldn't have happened much earlier). Anyway, in Cheyenne safe & sound, ready to hit the Tetons tomorrow.


Anonymous said...

We actually hit a storm like that on 80 through Wyoming once too.

PS - I remain confident that my rep will emerge unscathed.

Unknown said...

just got home from vegas and i'm welcomed home to this blog...sweet.

best of luck and i'll be keeping tabs on the trip!

Unknown said...

St. Louis misses you! Hope your trip is going well. Stay away from storms. I just got back to St. Louis from Chicago and I'm leaving to AZ tomorrow. I know, not as exciting as your trip but it will have to do. You just had to out do everyone else didn't you!!! :) Take care and be safe!