
05-22-2007 - Grand Teton National Park

It's winter up here!!! We actually stayed indoors in Jackson, WY instead of camping at Tetons because there was major wind/snow/rain and temps in the 30's. Yesterday (5/21) we drove up to the park and drove around and did a couple short little walkabouts. It snowed like crazy on our way into the park, but let up for the rest of the day. We saw lots of elk, caribou, and antelope, plus a grizzly and her three very young (a few months) cubs. Unfortunately, the bears were behind brush so very hard to photograph, but we got some nice glimpses (they were maybe 50 feet off the road). I'm short on time and on a lousy connection, but below are a couple pics. Today it is sunny and we are driving back thru Tetons to get to Yellowstone so maybe we'll have some excitement again today.

A bison grazes with the Tetons looming in the background:

My truck getting its feet wet:

Mamma bear thru the brush:

No question bears are amazing animals - and responsible for many a bear-jam!

Hopefully we can pick up a better internet connection near one of the lodges in Yellowstone and I'll do a better update up there in a couple days. Never mind the overnight lows in the 20's, let the camping begin!


Anonymous said...

Your truck looks nice in its natural habitat.

Unknown said...

Wow, third day and your trip is already full of excitement. Although I am not a big fan of the 30 degree weather. Next time I suggest going closer to the bear cubs to take some good pics so that your blog viewers can enjoy them (whatever the cost may be) :)
Glad you're doing well!


Anonymous said...

The Tetons look awesome. Wish I was there. Oh, wait. I am there. Thanks for denying me mention in your blog. I guess I have to be happy being the other half of "we."