
5-30-2007 - Banff!

Finally have an internet connection in Banff, and will do a full update on the Sawtooth Mountains, driving the length of Montana, Glacier National Park, and Canada Day One either tomorrow or the next day. Right now it is 2:00 am and I have to be up at 8:00 am, so no time to post pics now! Sorry for the delays - internet connections are few and far between on the routes I've chosen, and stopping by Starbucks has not been an option as we hadn't seen a chain of any kind in days until today!

Tomorrow morning I am attending the wedding of my close friend Josh from high school at Lake Louise in Banff, and I get to be an official witness. It was just pure coincidence that I planned to be here at the same time they planned the wedding. Congrats to them both!

Anyway, I have a TON of pictures to sort through and will update soon. Glacier National Park is one of the most beautiful and awe-inspiring places I have ever seen. Plus, there are stories about leaving behind luggage, property damage to restaurants, flat tires, and unexpectedly closed roads. Later...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Load em up. Glad everything is going great! Looking forward to a real post.