
04-20-2007 - An Alaskan for an Alaskan

Did I mention gearing up?

No self-respecting Alaskan goes into the wild without a firearm! This is my .454 Ruger Super Redhawk Alaskan.

With just a 2.5 inch barrel, it's a freaking hand-cannon designed specifically as a survival weapon against large animals, specifically including bears. Assuming reasonable precautions are effective, there is (hopefully) not much chance I'll ever need to use it. But it would up the odds on an otherwise bad day. I realize it seems odd to have revolver instead of a rifle, but this baby is designed as the ultimate last resort. I mean, it's called an Alaskan for a reason.

Things are a bit different up there. Generally, you cannot have a firearm in a National Park anywhere in the Lower 48, but in a place like Kenai Fjords NP in Alaska you can (but not Denali). Alaska state parks such as Chugach (just outside Anchorage) not only allow it, but tell you what minimum types and calibers you should carry.

I'll also be carrying "Bear Pepper Spray" as a primary deterrent, but will sleep better if I'm camping alone in the middle of nowhere with this as a back-up.

Knock on wood.

Seriously. Knock.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Be absolutely CERTAIN to get some professional instruction on the "cannon." It's accuracy is obviously limited by the short barrel AND, the "kick" can do some damage if not held and fired properly.