
6/1/2007 - 6/2/2007 - Banff, Jasper, Yoho, Glacier (Canada), & Revelstoke

I can honestly say this trip could not be going better. We've had a few weather problems, but a very few and over two weeks so far more than we could ask for. It continues to be WAY unseasonably warm - it's like the middle of summer, without middle of summer crowds. The tourist season seems to start around June 15 or in some places even July up here, so we are getting the best of both worlds - great weather, and no crowds. So far my absolute favorite places, not just for this trip, but ever, are Banff in Canada and Glacier in the U.S. Which one is better? Well they each have their good points, and lets just say that each is my favorite in its respective country. Banff is really part of a four-park contiguous group of parks including Banff, Jasper, Yoho, & Kootenay. Glacier (Canada) and Mount Revelstoke lay just off to the west (about 150 miles) in the Canadian Rockies. The Canadian Rockies are AWESOME.

We camped near the city of Jasper last night in a park campground. Jasper is a little more low-key than Canmore, but still pretty touristy, and was putting me on edge. I think the $17.75 12-inch pizza put me on tilt. Everything is VERY expensive up here so far. I just saw a 24-can pack of Budweiser for.....$45.50!!!!!!!! REALLY? The Canadian beer is just as expensive. And the 95 cent to the dollar exchange rate in our favor isn't really helping, especially because apparently all credit card companies now charge 3% on each charge in a foreign country. Oh well, speaking for those reading from the law school class, getting hosed pretty much just rolls off anymore.

And now for some pics:

A 500-year-old cedar forest in Mount Revelstoke National Park:
Mistaya Canyon in Banff (pretty much all the remaining pics are Banff), where the water has carved out a narrow, deep channel through the rock:
(Remember you can click to enlarge)

Above Mistaya Canyon is a beautiful raging river with the obligatory snow-covered mountains.

One of the many nice lake-mountain scenes in Banff:

More Banff:

The famous Lake Louise in Banff, still thawing despite the now warm temps (apparently it was snowing just a couple weeks ago):

At the higher elevations, still lots of snow and mostly frozen lakes:

Did I mention Banff is pretty?
We hadn't seen bears since Tetons, a bear-drought as we call it. We kept stopping and scoping things out, but no dice.

But when you're not looking....EUREKA!!! BEARS!!! Not only that, but this mom with her cub. All in all we saw 9 bears in a 24 hour period, including 4 cubs. I gotta admit I waited and waited for these two to look the same direction, and am pretty proud of this pic for the patience.
Proof positive that all black bears are not black, and they LOVE eating dandelions and other flowers:

Standing next to Tangle Creek Falls in Banff:
Our trucks enjoying the view:

Tomorrow Jeff and I part ways, as he heads south to Northern CA for a family reunion-type thing and then back to Denver, and I head north through British Columbia, a bit of the Yukon Territory, and then into Alaska, where I can once again use my U.S. currency where we have bills less than $5 and don't have to deal with all these $2 and $1 coins!

This is officially my longest road trip now, a few hundred miles over 3000 - and clearly best!


EMW said...

Dear Greg,
You've got a kickin' blog - way to go! The bear photos are incredible and the Banff shots are beautiful - when I was there I was equally impressed with the views, and the bigness! It's great to see good news on the internet; keep it coming! Cheers, Elizabeth Who

Anonymous said...

wtf am i doing???

Anonymous said...

Hey bro... Sounds like you are having a great adventure. I enjoyed the pictures. Lynn

Anonymous said...

Wish I could have kept heading north with ya. Grand Coulee was big and Crater Lake was closed. Guess I missed the moose out front. Can't wait to see/hear what the Yukon threw at you.