
04/10/2007 - Northbound & Down, Loaded Up & Truckin'!

I have been gearing up, picking up lots of camping-related gear (including my beloved and trusty axe), am in the market for a firearm, and recently acquired this:

As much as I love my Honda Accord Coupe, it just won't get it done in the snow and unpaved expanse of Alaska, nor the 5000 mile trek I have mapped out to get there. This is my new '05 Chevy Trailblazer 4x4. I LOVE this truck, but I'm honestly sad to leave my Accord behind - I wanted to drive her into the ground. When I bought my Accord, she was still wrapped in plastic and had about 2 miles on her - from the factory, to the truck, to the train, to the truck, to me.

Speaking of the trip, a quick note... The "direct" route to Anchorage is about 3800 miles, but I figure on ending up well above 5,000 miles going the scenic route (though I don't have any particular plan on what that is). That will include re-visits to Tetons and Yellowstone in Wyoming, which I visited last summer. I also plan to spend some time in Glacier National Park in Montana, and then head up into Banff and Jasper National Parks in Canada. My buddy Josh and his girlfriend may be in Banff at the same time I'll be there, which would be welcome company.

Why Anchorage? Well, about 40% of the state population is there, and I figure it's the best chance at finding a job. Then again, I may find a connection in Montana or Alberta or British Columbia, and just stop driving for a while. The joy of traveling light, creditors be damned.

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